Hi There

I wish to enlighten you about something.
Everyone viewing this is wondering what I am talking about because they are using PTC sites or want to know what are PTC sites and how you can make money with them.
What you must know is that this is not for everyone and if your reasons for doing this is to get rich over night, get out. This is not for you.
If you’re doing this to supplement your income or get extra spending money, you can stay.
If you are not prepared to work daily or be discontented with the slow pace of things, get out right now, this is not for you.
If you’re in it for the long run and can find the time to do this like clock work every day, you have a future here.
If you’re joining a PTC site, join it for the long run and be committed. Now that I’ve said that, let me get down to business.
Some of us don’t like waiting for money and some of us like a lot of money. Test the site first and then invest if you want to. PTC sites offer free accounts with great functionality but upgrades offer all the perks. So apply simple logic. Ask yourself this question because I have.
"If I am a free member and I don’t get paid on time, why should I stay and invest my money?"

I am newt to the WORLD of PTC and I have not yet tried REVENUE SHARES . I joined on the 29 Jan 2017 and I have already be scammed, robbed and bamboozled but I have also been $PAID$.
My goal is to find instant payers and long history companies to work with. I’ll factor in the pay per return later but for now, my goal is if you pay me when I am free, you’ll pay me when I invest.
I have a page here MY ONLINE INCOME where I test many PTC sites slowly but surely, I started with 20 or so I keep weeding out bad ones like the ten you see below.
The ten web links above should be avoided; they are closed and are scam sites.
To be honest I have been paid by 4 of the sites on this page MY ONLINE INCOME and therefore I would recommend them to you if you want to test them out yourself. I also have MYSTATS on display here so anyone can see how much I've made using PTC sites. The sites below have been tested and found to be paying.
Now let me give you two honest piece of information about those PTC sites.
I have 2 friends who are my referrals and we test the sites I join.
NEOBUX- joined on 21st Jan 2017 and got paid 31st Mar 2017 US$2.05 I had 1 Direct referral and 3 rented referral averaging 1.8 clicks per day, they are now averaging 1.5 clicks per day. I made my first US$0.60 on my own by the 19th Feb 2017 with no referrals.
CASHTRAVEL – I joined 14th April 2017 and by the 26th April 2017 I was able to cash out US$0.05 with 1 direct referral.
Now that is a very long story but it is the reality of the PTC world. Some of us will make it and some of us will not so all those who window dress it and sell it like one big fairy tail, it is not, you have to work hard for it at first and maybe just maybe it will come.
That is my reality and I’ve done it day in day out 12 hours a day looking and test different sites. I saw one woman promoting only NEOBUX and she has earned US$1501.86 on it, but I don’t know how long she joined. Its hard work but if you are in, you can join through my links below and I wish you success.

PTC Tester
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