The internet is a very vast place and there are many predictors just waiting to catch the unsuspecting person to take them on a ride. As the saying goes, "A sucker is born every minute".
A Penny or a Cent is very insignificant but together as a pool, they can amount to staggering proportions.
WE all know about PTC and PTP sites and that more or less, if it is new, it most likely gonna fail in a few months.
Most people would create a PTC for the sole purpose of making money from a platform that has many ups and down.
The point or main emphasis of the platform is to deliver to advertisers buying customers.
They achieve this by offering potential buyers an incentive to visit.
Advertiser will advertise their product site through a middle man so to speak and who's job is to promote that link or product site to its registered members for a fee.
In return for providing such a service, the middle man shares part of the sum charged with its members who click the links to earn their remuneration.
Depending on the site, it can be $0.0001 to as much as $0.01 per confirmed clicked.

Now lets face it, no one would think of working for such petty money. NOT even me but then again money is money.
Lets examine this some more. The commercial banks which save guard our money and give us interest for keeping it there, offer us some ridiculous interest rates. Its better we go invest our money else where for a better return. The question now becomes, WHERE?
Look at it this way, you need money in the bank before you can earn interest, but for about ten minutes a day, you can just click a few ads and make interest. Interest you can cash in on later down in the year. Most PTC sites offer US$1.00 check out for a cost of processing that will leave you collecting just over US$0.75. Sure you'll need to click every day for 60 -70 days but look on the bright side, most banks pay interest biannually. So your still ahead.
If you care to spend more than the bear minimum time on the sites, there are plenty to do to occupy your time. There are countless surveys and little challenges that you can get rewarded for. Even if you are not at all interested in what the advertisers are offering, going through the motion can be come second nature.
Most of the time I am working on these sites, I'm watching or listen music videos or some TV show, so its not impeding on my recreational time. Its a simple point, click and wait.
Some would say that clicking websites just for money is a waste of precious time. Well it may be that, but sometimes the offers provide us with meaningful trivia on all things. We even get to learn new things or brush up on old memories.
Some sites pay more than others and some just take long to pay. That could be to validate your claim or because it has cash flow problems. What I found is that the oldest of sites are the best place to try as they are in it long and still going strong. New sites should be put through their paces to see how well they stand up. Many offer amazing deals at first then shrivel up a few months later. If it is too good to be true, it probably is.
Neobux and ClixSence are grate sites, they have plenty years of experience in the industry and have been around a very long time. Clixsence is out of the click ads business but they have tons of task to do that will keep you occupied always.

So Click on a link and sign up to turn on your penny fountain.
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